Friday, July 17, 2009

I am finally a mother...

I have been all-consumed with our new puppy, Zadie. It really is like having a baby and I am finding the summer is just flying by, me with puppy bowel-movements on my mind. Hey, that could be a catchy title for a song!

Look people, I have not even been knitting!

We took Zadie for her first haircut on Tuesday. I had no idea that my dog's haircut would be more expensive than my own, but there you have it...

Been humming a catchy tune around the house lately. My co-hort in the library turned me onto it and at first I was rather mortified by it, but recently came around. It all happened one day when Zadie fell asleep on the coffee table.

It reminded me of this.

The real sick thing is that she wags her tail like mad whenever we play it.

Yep, that's my girl!

A health message for all...

In support of spreading awareness on the H1N1 flu, I felt it was my obligation, no my duty, to provide adequate information to my 15-year-old step-son. So I slipped this into his bathroom when he wasn’t looking...

Perhaps I should hang it on his bedroom door instead...

Monday, July 6, 2009

My dog has diaherra and other summer tales...

My dog has diaherra, oh yes yes, she does. Within a mere 24 hours, she graced us with 5 packages; some large, some small, some solid, some not, yet fortunately all outside.

This all from a recent vet visit where she received her second distemper shot and heartworm pill. It must be a reaction, but yesterday she had an accident in her kennel.

You could tell she felt bad about it, so I am going to call the vet today to see what we should do to resolve this.

But, really, I can’t talk about it....anymore...


There once was an English teacher and a high school librarian, who had nothing to do for two months.

So they read.

They read on the lawn, they read on the couch. They read in bed, or waiting in the car at the yarn store while ‘someone’ took her time.

Where did they get these books to read you may ask?

Some were from the librarian’s high school library, while others were from the English teacher’s library.
Of course they would partake in the offerings at the local public library.

Then there were the purchases from Amazon and Chapters, or while waiting for the next bus, one would pop into Coles...

There are books about Britain, knitting, vets and doctors. And dysfunctional relationships or the Second World War.

How to grill or crochet, herb garden or stitch. Horror, drama, satire and some just low-brow romance.

Oh yes, it is going to be a fine summer indeed...